

Screen Composers Guild of Ireland is currently welcoming new members.

Membership is open to all Irish, Northern Irish or Island of Ireland based professional composers who have completed a minimum of two contracted with payment jobs where they are credited as composer. 

Joining is easy and good value at €100 per year, simply download the membership form below, fill in and return to

Associate membership is now also open for composers who do not meet the full membership criteria. Associate membership is €50 per year and allows you access to members resources, training events. To apply please download the associate membership form below, fill in and return to

Full membership Application

Associate Membership Application

Why Join?

SCGI is building a professional community of composers creating original music for screen. We believe there is power in numbers and recognise the experience of other industry groups who have seen many benefits from working collectively for the betterment of their craft. SCGI offers members an opportunity to contribute to the wider audiovisual industry through a collective voice and to seek to access opportunities together that are of benefit to all.  

SCGI is committed to representing professional Irish or Irish based composers for screen, therefore there is a criteria for joining is to have achieved two professional level jobs composing original music for screen, which are contracted with payment and composer credit. We welcome members who compose in all genres of music and for all areas of screen, Film, TV, Advertising, Multimedia, Games and VR.

Benefits to members

Access to training and
professional development

SCGI will present a number of training and professional development events throughout the year which are designed around the specific needs of our members.  These will include master class events with visiting composers, orchestrators or other industry professionals, ‘soft skills’ development aimed at allowing our members maintain continual learning across all aspects of the skill set required for screen composition and workshop events aimed at keeping abreast of changing international standards in technology or processes for working.

Networking and social events

SCGI works with other representative and industry bodies to present networking opportunities with other elements of the audiovisual and creative industries. SCGI recognises the benefits for creatives who work mainly alone, participating in peer events allowing opportunities for collaboration, experience and information sharing and other aspects of collegiality. 

Advocacy and lobbying

SCGI works to give all members a voice. We will campaign for changes and matters that are of importance to composers and the craft of creating original music for screen