
Commissioning Music for Short Film

Download SCGI advice on commissioning music for short film here.

For a database of associate members please email here requesting a copy and for any other queries or advice.

To view our members directory of professional composers for screen click here

SCGI Resources Call Out

We are currently building our resources area and would love to get your input on this so please email us at with any queries or areas of interest you would like to see addressed here.

Introducing the Standardised Cue Sheet

SCGI invited Michelle Dooley, Senior International Executive with IMRO and Juliet Martin, Music Supervisor and owner of Silverstream Music to introduce and explain the new global standardised cue sheet, give some general information and tips on how to fill in and file a cue sheet accurately and avoid common mistakes.

A cue sheet is a document which details all the music used in an audio visual production. It is used by performance rights organisations to assign royalties to the correct rights holders for each public broadcast of the audio visual work. Cue sheets are a mandatory deliverable for producers and will travel with the production. They are a key part in ensuring composers and other rights owners continue to get paid for work they have an interest in. This video is intended for both composers and producers wanting to learn about using cue sheets.

The standardised cue sheet was introduced in late 2020 and click on below links to download a sample version and standards and rules .

For more information on the background of the standardised cue sheet please go to CISAC.